"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

-Marianne Williamson


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I love my Adrenaline Junkie

Tonight we went up the canyon for a barbeque with the Search and Rescue team. They invite the retired team members so Stan and I got to go enjoy a wonderful meal and listen to them relive their adventures. (as Stan says the difference between a fairytale and a cop story is a fairy tale starts Once upon a time...and a cop story starts this is no _ _ _ _ ! I was there!!!) I've learned to go to these events with an open mind and an empty stomach especially when it comes to the more graphic stories and sometimes I wonder how they do what they do and still keep their sense of humor. I think that is exactly how they do it. Laughter doesn't sound like it really belongs with tragedy but at times, it's the only thing that gets us through.

Alot of people have told me about my Wild Irish Husband. Saying things like "Hold on, he's a wild one" or "Life with Stan is going to be an adventure" and they were right. But that is what I love about him. He see's life thru curious eyes always wanting to see what things are all about and how they work and how you could possibly have more fun doing something that is rather boring. Sometimes I find myself getting impatient with him but I realize that's just my fear talking because I couldn't imagine not having him in my life. But there is nothing quite like a great ride on the Harley to remind you of that feeling of being alive. So with a healthy dose of fear, a little Irish luck,and a desire to feel alive, we can continue on living this adventure together as 2 wild and crazy Irish heathens who appreciate life and all it has to offer.

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