"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

-Marianne Williamson


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Apron Strings and other things...

With Spring being so late and so cold and wet it delayed things a bit here on the farm. I haven't got my garden planted and I am barely getting the grass in the Orchard mowed to feed the horses. In the Orchard the grass is almost as tall as the mower in most spots. It is quite a mud pit right now and there are 4 more days of rain coming. Out of the last 60 days, 50 of them were rainy. Even with the rain,I am so grateful that I am feeling better,and I'm able to do so much more now. I have done 2 photo shoots and I even started sewing again.

It's funny how we let fear make us feel stuck and unable to move forward. I finally finished the project that had me stuck and now I have found joy again in the simple things that make life on the farm so wonderful. I find that when I have no creative outlet, everything starts to fall apart, things just aren't as fun and I don't feel like I am my authentic self. Now the problem is my mind is racing with ideas for projects and I am trying very hard to live in the present and finish each project that I start before moving on to the next one.

I started sewing Aprons to sell and it has reminded me of my Grandmother who wore an Apron almost every day of her life. I have her Apron hanging in my sewing room and it's almost like having her there with me as I lovingly assemble each piece and complete a new memory for some other little girl who will watch her mother wear it. It is a gentle reminder of days gone by when the white rickrack and rose print fabric carried peaches from the tree, cleaned dirty eyeglasses and wiped away tears from little girls faces. As I sew a new apron, the smell of the steam rising up from the iron takes me back to dancing in the rain, hanging clothes on the clothesline in the back yard and how I loved the feel of cotton fabric in my hands. I love the sound of the freshly starched Aprons being tied in the back. The crisp fabric slipping into it's place as a perfect bow makes the same sound as a child biting into an Apple. It's hard to believe that a simple thing like an Apron can transport you back in time but it is worth the trip.

Today we bought a pre-fab Chicken coop. We did some extra things to it. Stan put shingles on the roof and I painted it Candy Apple red with white trim and we put it in the round corral. Finally moving the chickens outdoors has been a long awaited goal. Our dog Izzy also has a dog run now so there are no more stinky pets in the house. YIPPEEE....
I am so truly blessed. After all I've been thru, I now appreciate the small things in life so much more. So I am off to sew.

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