"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

-Marianne Williamson


Friday, August 27, 2010

The adventures of Furry Bear

My fourth child, a beautiful daughter, was born 8 years after my son. She was a bonus baby. Not what I was planning on but has always been such an amazing blessing in my life.  She was my smallest baby, just 6 1/2 pounds. She was always a sweet quiet baby with green eyes the size of dinner plates! She has loved horses from the time she was a baby. I would bribe her to be good at the Gym daycare by promising to stop and give the horses in a neighbors field some carrots. At 17 months old, we returned from a trip to Target and when I went to unzip her coat, she wouldn't let me take her coat off. When I finally coaxed her out of the coat, out popped the huge stuffed animal Horse that my little cleptomaniac had snagged from the store. She called them "Ee-hee's" (because a horse says "EEEHEEEE when it neighs".

She had funny words for alot of things. Her request for "No BOOF" meant she didn't want me to do her hair with puffy bangs. "Hot-da-Boof" meant to please curl her bangs with a curling iron. "Psst Psst" meant she wanted a drink of soda from the 2 liter bottle (because that's what it said when you opened the bottle) and "Pinch" was what she called me when I told her she couldn't have any candy (yes, my sweet 2 year old called me the "B" word!)

This sweet angel loves animals and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She has always had a magic connection to all things animal. She is kind, loving and is very protective of her furry friends. Speaking of furry friends, we have always called her our "Furry Bear" because even as a baby she had alot of fine blonde hair on her body. The best is when the sunlight hits the soft lanugo hair on her sweet face when she smiles and her entire face lights up like an angel.

She loves riding horses and wants to do barrel racing soon. She has a pony and a paint horse whom she takes great care of. She also has 2 rabbits that she reads stories to. I am so very lucky to have her. As the last child at home, she has been my very best buddy. I miss her now that she is back in school and look forward to picking her up at the bus stop every afternoon. I love you my angel furry bear.

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