"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

-Marianne Williamson


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Don't tell my secrets!!!"

My second daughter was born two years after my first. I had been watching the old TV show "Cagney and Lacey" where she has her baby and apparently, watching some woman on TV go into labor sent me into labor. We lived in Heber at the time so we made the long drive down Provo Canyon and arrived at the Hospital in plenty of time for her arrival.

She was such a beautiful baby. Everyone would stop us and say what beautiful skin she had. She was her own individual self. She liked attention. She liked to entertain us. She would be told what the rules and consequences were and then she would decide if the punishment was "doable" and pretty much do the deed and pay the price, which at the time was extremely frustrating but in the big picture I guess that just made her someone who was always willing to think "outside of the box" and be a problem solver. When she was little, we caught her on the kitchen table in the tub of butter rubbing it all over her legs calling it "shun shun" or lotion. We laughed. The next day she did it with peanut butter and honey...a bit harder to scrub off. Then she did it with mud. At least she had fun.

I will never forget when she was in Kindergarten and it was her "VIP Day". I was in the class with a poster that had pictures of who she was and what she liked. I was to go before the class and tell them a little something about her. Right before I went up to speak, she forcibly grabs my arm pulling me down to her level and eyeballs me saying in a very firm and not-so-kindergartner voice..."DON'T TELL MY SECRETS!!!" At that point, I wasn't aware that she had any.

She always had a really low voice for a little girl. We always had fun getting her to say in her best baby baritone "...hello Mr. Horse" why that phrase I don't remember but she would say it and we would laugh. She was the only child I have had who liked a clean room. She's a better organizer than I am. She has a creative talent that is absolutely amazing. She makes beautiful jewelry and amazing peacock feather headbands. She's a good cook and so much fun to be around. She does voice imitations and should be hired by Disney for voice over work. She is amazing.

She gave us our first granddaughter and both of them share that same  low voice and so we now have a 2nd generation of "hello Mr. Horse".  She also has her mom's quick wit. When she was 4 years old, she asked... "Papa , why are you a jail locker guy?" "I like being a cop" he said. "Why...it don't pay no money!" Ah from the mouths of babes... There are too many stories to list here but trust me. She is a load of fun!  Next on the list it is #3... My son!

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